Spanish Colors

Learning colors in Spanish is a fun and essential part of expanding your vocabulary. Colors are used frequently in everyday conversations to describe objects, express preferences, and create vivid imagery. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you master the names, uses, and nuances of colors in Spanish.

1. Basic Colors in Spanish

Here are the most common colors in Spanish along with their English translations:

  • Rojo (Red)

  • Azul (Blue)

  • Amarillo (Yellow)

  • Verde (Green)

  • Negro (Black)

  • Blanco (White)

  • Naranja (Orange)

  • Marrón (Brown)

  • Rosa (Pink)

  • Morado (Purple)

  • Gris (Gray)

2. Pronunciation Guide

Proper pronunciation is important for clear communication. Here’s a guide to help you pronounce each color correctly:

  • Rojo: roh-ho

  • Azul: ah-thool (in Spain) or ah-sool (in Latin America)

  • Amarillo: ah-mah-ree-yo

  • Verde: ver-deh

  • Negro: neh-gro

  • Blanco: blahn-co

  • Naranja: nah-rahn-ha

  • Marrón: mah-rohn

  • Rosa: roh-sa

  • Morado: moh-rah-do

  • Gris: greece

3. Agreement in Gender and Number

In Spanish, colors must agree in gender and number with the nouns they describe. Most color names ending in -o change to -a for feminine nouns and add -s or -es for plural forms.


  • El coche rojo (The red car) [masculine singular]

  • La casa roja (The red house) [feminine singular]

  • Los coches rojos (The red cars) [masculine plural]

  • Las casas rojas (The red houses) [feminine plural]

Some colors, like verde (green) and gris (gray), do not change form for gender, only for number.


  • El coche verde (The green car)

  • La casa verde (The green house)

  • Los coches verdes (The green cars)

  • Las casas verdes (The green houses)

4. Shades and Variations

To describe different shades of colors, you can use descriptive words such as "claro" (light) and "oscuro" (dark).


  • Azul claro (Light blue)

  • Verde oscuro (Dark green)

Other variations can be described with additional adjectives or specific terms for the shades.


  • Rosa pastel (Pastel pink)

  • Marrón chocolate (Chocolate brown)

5. Using Colors in Sentences

Here are some examples of how to use colors in sentences:


  • Me gusta el vestido azul. (I like the blue dress.)

  • Prefiero los zapatos negros. (I prefer the black shoes.)

  • La flor es amarilla. (The flower is yellow.)

6. Common Expressions with Colors

Colors often appear in idiomatic expressions and cultural references. Here are a few examples:


  • Ver todo de color de rosa (To see everything through rose-colored glasses) - To be overly optimistic.

  • Ponerse rojo como un tomate (To turn red as a tomato) - To blush.

Spanish Grammar Test

Choose the correct option:

  • 1. What is “blue” in Spanish?
  • 2. What does “gris” mean?
  • 3. What is “purple” in Spanish?
  • 4. What’s the word for “green” in Spanish?
  • 5. What Spanish color is “rosa”?

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