Spanish Conditional Tense

Understanding the Spanish Conditional Tense

The Spanish conditional tense is used to express actions or situations that are hypothetical, uncertain, or dependent on a condition. It's an essential tense for conveying what you would do under certain circumstances and is often used for polite requests, expressing desires, or making hypothetical statements.

Formation of the Conditional Tense

To form the conditional tense, add the appropriate endings to the infinitive form of the verb. These endings are the same for all regular verbs and are as follows:

  • -ía for yo (I)

  • -ías for (you, informal singular)

  • -ía for él/ella/usted (he/she/you, formal singular)

  • -íamos for nosotros/nosotras (we)

  • -íais for vosotros/vosotras (you all, informal plural)

  • -ían for ellos/ellas/ustedes (they/you all, formal plural)

Examples of Regular Verbs

  1. Hablar (to speak)

    • Yo hablaría (I would speak)

    • Tú hablarías (You would speak)

    • Él hablaría (He would speak)

    • Nosotros hablaríamos (We would speak)

    • Vosotros hablaríais (You all would speak)

    • Ellos hablarían (They would speak)

  2. Comer (to eat)

    • Yo comería (I would eat)

    • Tú comerías (You would eat)

    • Él comería (He would eat)

    • Nosotros comeríamos (We would eat)

    • Vosotros comeríais (You all would eat)

    • Ellos comerían (They would eat)

  3. Vivir (to live)

    • Yo viviría (I would live)

    • Tú vivirías (You would live)

    • Él viviría (He would live)

    • Nosotros viviríamos (We would live)

    • Vosotros viviríais (You all would live)

    • Ellos vivirían (They would live)

Irregular Verbs

Some verbs have irregular stems in the conditional tense, but they still use the same endings. Here are a few examples:

  1. Decir (to say)

    • Stem: dir-

    • Yo diría (I would say)

  2. Hacer (to do/make)

    • Stem: har-

    • Yo haría (I would do/make)

  3. Poder (to be able to)

    • Stem: podr-

    • Yo podría (I would be able to)

  4. Tener (to have)

    • Stem: tendr-

    • Yo tendría (I would have)

Usage of the Conditional Tense

  1. Hypothetical Situations:

    • Si tuviera más dinero, viajaría por el mundo.

      • If I had more money, I would travel the world.

  2. Polite Requests:

    • ¿Podría darme el menú, por favor?

      • Could you give me the menu, please?

  3. Expressing Desires:

    • Me encantaría ir al concierto.

      • I would love to go to the concert.

  4. Offering Suggestions:

    • Deberíamos salir a cenar esta noche.

      • We should go out for dinner tonight.

Comparison with English Conditional Tense

In English, the conditional tense is often formed using "would" followed by the base form of the verb. For example:

  • I would speak (Yo hablaría)

  • You would eat (Tú comerías)

  • He would live (Él viviría)

The structure is quite similar, making it easier for English speakers to grasp the concept.


Mastering the Spanish conditional tense enables you to express hypothetical situations, make polite requests, and convey desires and suggestions. Understanding its formation and usage will enhance your ability to communicate effectively in various scenarios, allowing you to navigate conversations with nuance and clarity.

Spanish Conditional Tense Quiz

Choose the correct option:

  • 1. ¿Cuál es la forma correcta de "hablar" en el condicional para "yo"?
  • 2. Which of the following is a correct conditional form of "comer" for "él"?
  • 3. ¿Cuál es el verbo irregular en el condicional para "decir"?
  • 4. Which of the following sentences uses the correct conditional form of "poder"?
  • 5. ¿Cuál es la terminación correcta del verbo en condicional para "nosotros"?

Spanish Negative Commands


Spanish Subjunctive Part 1