Spanish Preterite Tense

Spanish Preterite Tense (Part 1)

The Spanish Preterite Tense is used to describe actions that were completed in the past. It indicates events or actions that happened at a specific point in time and are now finished. Understanding the Preterite Tense is crucial for narrating past events and telling stories.

Conjugation Patterns

  1. Regular Verbs: Conjugations for regular verbs follow predictable patterns based on their endings.

    • -AR Verbs (e.g., hablar - to speak):

      • Yo hablé (I spoke)

      • Tú hablaste (You spoke)

      • Él/Ella habló (He/She spoke)

      • Nosotros hablamos (We spoke)

      • Ellos/Ellas hablaron (They spoke)

    • -ER Verbs (e.g., comer - to eat):

      • Yo comí (I ate)

      • Tú comiste (You ate)

      • Él/Ella comió (He/She ate)

      • Nosotros comimos (We ate)

      • Ellos/Ellas comieron (They ate)

    • -IR Verbs (e.g., vivir - to live):

      • Yo viví (I lived)

      • Tú viviste (You lived)

      • Él/Ella vivió (He/She lived)

      • Nosotros vivimos (We lived)

      • Ellos/Ellas vivieron (They lived)

  2. Irregular Verbs: Some verbs have irregular conjugations and do not follow standard patterns.

    • Ser/Ir (to be/to go):

      • Yo fui (I was/went)

      • Tú fuiste (You were/went)

      • Él/Ella fue (He/She was/went)

      • Nosotros fuimos (We were/went)

      • Ellos/Ellas fueron (They were/went)

    • Hacer (to do/make):

      • Yo hice (I did/made)

      • Tú hiciste (You did/made)

      • Él/Ella hizo (He/She did/made)

      • Nosotros hicimos (We did/made)

      • Ellos/Ellas hicieron (They did/made)


The Preterite Tense is used for actions that:

  • Have a clear beginning and end.

  • Are part of a sequence of events.

  • Are completed and no longer ongoing.

Understanding these basics of the Preterite Tense will help you describe past actions accurately and effectively in Spanish.

Spanish Preterite Tense Quiz

Choose the correct option:

  • 1. ¿Cuál es la forma correcta de la conjugación de "comer" en la primera persona del singular en pretérito?
  • 2. What is the correct preterite form of "ser" in the third person plural?
  • 3. ¿Cuál es la forma correcta del verbo "hablar" en la tercera persona del singular en pretérito?
  • 4. Which of the following sentences uses the correct preterite form?
  • 5. ¿Cuál de las siguientes oraciones utiliza correctamente el verbo en pretérito?

Spanish Reflexive Verbs


Spanish Preterite Tense II