Spanish Hacer Phrases

In Spanish, the verb "hacer" (to do/make) is incredibly versatile and forms the backbone of many common expressions. Understanding these phrases can enhance your conversational skills and comprehension.

Weather Phrases - "hacer" is frequently used to describe the weather. In English, we often use "it is," but in Spanish, "hacer" takes on this role.

  • "Hace calor." (It is hot.)

  • "Hace frío." (It is cold.)

  • "Hace sol." (It is sunny.)

  • "Hace viento." (It is windy.)

Time Expressions - "hacer" is also used in expressions related to the passage of time.

  • "Hace dos años que estudio español." (I have been studying Spanish for two years.)

  • "Hace mucho tiempo que no te veo." (I haven’t seen you in a long time.)

Actions and Tasks - when talking about doing tasks or activities, "hacer" is the go-to verb.

  • "Tengo que hacer la tarea." (I have to do my homework.)

  • "Hago ejercicio todos los días." (I exercise every day.)

General Phrases - "hacer" can be part of many idiomatic expressions that don't directly translate to English but are commonly used in everyday conversation.

  • "Hacer caso" (to pay attention/to heed).

    • "Hazme caso, por favor." (Pay attention to me, please.)

  • "Hacer falta" (to need/to miss).

    • "Me hace falta más tiempo." (I need more time.)

Making Comparisons - "hacer" is used in phrases to make comparisons or express similarities.

  • "Hace lo mismo que yo." (He/She does the same as I do.)

  • "No hace falta tanto esfuerzo." (It doesn’t require that much effort.)

Cause and Effect - to express cause and effect, "hacer" can be employed in various contexts.

  • "Me hace feliz verte." (It makes me happy to see you.)

  • "Eso me hace pensar." (That makes me think.)

Using "hacer" in these different contexts helps convey nuanced meanings and express a wide range of ideas efficiently. By mastering "hacer" phrases, you'll be able to understand and participate in everyday Spanish conversations with greater ease.

Spanish Grammar Test

Choose the correct option:

  • 1. What is does “hace calor” mean?
  • 2. How would you say, “I exercise”?
  • 3. What does “hacer falta” mean?
  • 4. What does “Hacer caso” mean?
  • 5. How would you say “it’s sunny”?

Spanish Prepositional Phrases


Spanish Regional Differences