Pedir vs Preguntar

In Spanish, "pedir" and "preguntar" both involve requesting information or actions, but they are used in different contexts. Here’s a breakdown of their uses and differences:

Pedir (to ask for, to request)

  • Usage: "Pedir" is used when you are requesting something or asking for a favor. It involves making a request for objects, services, or assistance.

  • Examples:

    • Pido ayuda con el proyecto. (I ask for help with the project.)

    • ¿Puedes pedirle el favor a Juan? (Can you ask Juan for the favor?)

    • Ella pidió un café en la cafetería. (She requested a coffee at the café.)

  • Forms:

    • Present: pido, pides, pide, pedimos, pedís, piden

    • Preterite: pedí, pediste, pidió, pedimos, pedisteis, pidieron

  • Notes: "Pedir" can also be used in more indirect contexts, such as asking for permission or making a request in a formal manner.

Preguntar (to ask, to inquire)

  • Usage: "Preguntar" is used specifically when asking for information or seeking answers. It is used when inquiring about facts, details, or information from someone.

  • Examples:

    • Voy a preguntar a María sobre el horario. (I’m going to ask María about the schedule.)

    • ¿Puedes preguntar si hay disponibilidad? (Can you ask if there is availability?)

    • Él preguntó dónde estaba la estación. (He asked where the station was.)

  • Forms:

    • Present: pregunto, preguntas, pregunta, preguntamos, preguntáis, preguntan

    • Preterite: pregunté, preguntaste, preguntó, preguntamos, preguntasteis, preguntaron

  • Notes: "Preguntar" is strictly used for inquiries about information. It does not involve making requests for physical items or actions.


In Spanish, "hacer" can be used in the expression "hacer una pregunta" to mean "to ask a question." This is because "hacer" in this context literally means "to make" or "to do," so the phrase "hacer una pregunta" translates directly to "to make a question" or "to ask a question."

On the other hand, "pedir" is used when you want to request something from someone, such as "pedir ayuda" (to ask for help) or "pedir permiso" (to ask for permission).

Preguntar is the verb that means "to ask" in the sense of seeking information, as in "preguntar la hora" (to ask the time). However, when specifically talking about "asking a question," Spanish often uses the phrase "hacer una pregunta," because it captures the act of forming and presenting a question, rather than simply requesting information or making a request.

In summary, "hacer una pregunta" is a set phrase in Spanish, where "hacer" emphasizes the act of creating or posing a question, while "preguntar" is more general and doesn't carry the same nuance of "making" a question.


  • Use "pedir" when you are requesting something specific, whether it's an object, service, or favor.

  • Use "preguntar" when you are asking for information or seeking answers to questions.

Understanding the distinction between these two verbs helps in making precise and appropriate requests or inquiries in Spanish.

Pedir vs Preguntar Quiz

Choose the correct option:

  • 1. ¿Cuál verbo usarías para "to ask for help"?
  • 2. How do you say "to ask a question" in Spanish?
  • 3. ¿Qué verbo usarías para "to request a favor"?
  • 4. Which verb would you use for "to ask for food"?
  • 5. Which is a form of "pedir"?

Saber vs Conocer


Spanish Irregular Verbs