Plural Forms of Spanish Nouns

1. Basic Rules for Forming Plurals

The general rule for forming the plural of Spanish nouns is quite straightforward: add -s to nouns ending in a vowel and -es to nouns ending in a consonant.


  • Nouns ending in a vowel:

    • el gato (the cat) -> los gatos (the cats)

    • la casa (the house) -> las casas (the houses)

    • el libro (the book) -> los libros (the books)

  • Nouns ending in a consonant:

    • el profesor (the teacher) -> los profesores (the teachers)

    • la flor (the flower) -> las flores (the flowers)

    • el árbol (the tree) -> los árboles (the trees)

2. Nouns Ending in -z

When a noun ends in -z, the -z changes to -c before adding -es to form the plural.


  • el lápiz (the pencil) -> los lápices (the pencils)

  • la luz (the light) -> las luces (the lights)

  • la cruz (the cross) -> las cruces (the crosses)

3. Nouns Ending in -s or -x

For nouns ending in -s or -x that are stressed on the last syllable, the plural is formed by adding -es. If the stress is not on the last syllable, the noun remains unchanged in the plural form.


  • Stress on the last syllable:

    • el autobús (the bus) -> los autobuses (the buses)

    • la tesis (the thesis) -> las tesis (the theses)

    • el fax (the fax) -> los faxes (the faxes)

  • Stress not on the last syllable:

    • el lunes (the Monday) -> los lunes (the Mondays)

    • el paraguas (the umbrella) -> los paraguas (the umbrellas)

    • la crisis (the crisis) -> las crisis (the crises)

4. Compound Nouns

Compound nouns are formed by combining two words. In Spanish, compound nouns typically form the plural by changing the article and leaving the compound noun unchanged.


  • el paraguas (the umbrella) -> los paraguas (the umbrellas)

  • el abrelatas (the can opener) -> los abrelatas (the can openers)

  • el sacapuntas (the pencil sharpener) -> los sacapuntas (the pencil sharpeners)

5. Gender and Number Agreement

In Spanish, articles and adjectives must agree with the nouns they modify in both gender and number. This means that when a noun is plural, any accompanying article and adjective must also be plural.


  • Singular: El libro interesante (The interesting book)

    • Plural: Los libros interesantes (The interesting books)

  • Singular: La casa grande (The big house)

    • Plural: Las casas grandes (The big houses)

6. Irregular Plural Forms

While most nouns follow the regular pluralization rules, some nouns have irregular plural forms. These exceptions must be memorized.


  • el carácter (the character) -> los caracteres (the characters)

  • el régimen (the regime) -> los regímenes (the regimes)

Spanish Grammar Test

Choose the correct option:

  • 1. What’s the plural form of “manzana" in Spanish?
  • 2. What’s the plural form of “nariz” in Spanish?
  • 3. What’s the plural form of “pera” in Spanish?
  • 4. What’s the plural form of “lápiz” in Spanish?
  • 5. What’s the plural form of “mesa” in Spanish?

Spanish Definite Articles


Spanish Numbers