Spanish Present Progressive & Articles

Understanding Spanish Present Progressive and Articles

The Spanish Present Progressive tense is used to describe actions that are currently happening at the moment of speaking. It is equivalent to the English "I am doing" structure. Alongside the present progressive, articles play a crucial role in Spanish sentences by specifying the nouns they precede.

Present Progressive Tense

The present progressive tense is formed using the verb "estar" (to be) followed by a gerund (the -ando or -iendo form of the main verb). This tense is used to express ongoing actions.


  • Estar + Gerund


  • Estoy comiendo. (I am eating.)

    • "Estoy" is the present tense form of "estar."

    • "Comiendo" is the gerund of "comer" (to eat).

  • Ella está estudiando. (She is studying.)

    • "Está" is the present tense form of "estar" for "she."

    • "Estudiando" is the gerund of "estudiar" (to study).

Articles in Spanish

Articles are essential in Spanish for indicating the specificity and number of nouns. They come in two forms: definite and indefinite.

  1. Definite Articles:

    • El (the, masculine singular)

      • El libro (The book)

    • La (the, feminine singular)

      • La mesa (The table)

    • Los (the, masculine plural)

      • Los coches (The cars)

    • Las (the, feminine plural)

      • Las casas (The houses)

  2. Indefinite Articles:

    • Un (a, an, masculine singular)

      • Un perro (A dog)

    • Una (a, an, feminine singular)

      • Una gata (A cat)

    • Unos (some, masculine plural)

      • Unos amigos (Some friends)

    • Unas (some, feminine plural)

      • Unas chicas (Some girls)

Comparison with English

In English, articles do not change form based on gender or number, and the present progressive is formed using "to be" + verb + -ing. Spanish, however, requires matching the article to the gender and number of the noun and uses "estar" + gerund to indicate ongoing actions.

Understanding the present progressive and correct use of articles enhances your ability to describe actions and specify nouns clearly in Spanish.

Spanish Present Progressive & Articles Quiz

Choose the correct option:

  • 1. ¿Cuál es la estructura correcta para el presente progresivo?
  • 2. Which sentence describes an action happening right now?
  • 3. ¿Qué artículo es correcto para el sustantivo masculino singular "perro"?
  • 4. Which article is used with feminine plural nouns?
  • 5. ¿Cómo se usa el artículo indefinido "una" en la frase "una gata"?

Common Spanish Verb Formulas


Spanish Apocopation