Spanish Preterite vs Imperfect

Spanish Preterite vs Imperfect

Understanding the difference between the Spanish preterite and imperfect tenses is crucial for expressing past actions accurately. Both tenses are used to describe actions that happened in the past, but they are used in different contexts and convey different aspects of those actions.

1. Preterite Tense


  • Preterite Conjugation of Verbs


  • Ayer comí pizza. (Yesterday I ate pizza.)

  • Fuimos al cine la semana pasada. (We went to the cinema last week.)

Usage: The preterite tense is used for actions that were completed in the past. It often refers to specific events or actions with a definite beginning and end. It is used to describe actions that happened at a particular point in time or a sequence of events. Key indicators for the preterite include words like "ayer" (yesterday), "la semana pasada" (last week), and "el lunes" (on Monday).

2. Imperfect Tense


  • Imperfect Conjugation of Verbs


  • Cuando era niño, jugaba en el parque. (When I was a child, I used to play in the park.)

  • Mientras ella leía, yo cocinaba. (While she was reading, I was cooking.)

Usage: The imperfect tense is used for actions that were ongoing or habitual in the past. It describes actions that were in progress, habitual actions, or background information. It is often used to set the scene or provide context. Common indicators for the imperfect include words like "siempre" (always), "a menudo" (often), and "mientras" (while).


  • Preterite: Focuses on completed actions with a clear beginning and end.

  • Imperfect: Focuses on ongoing actions, habitual actions, or background descriptions.

Example Comparison:

  • Preterite: "Ayer vi una película." (Yesterday I watched a movie.) – This sentence indicates a specific event completed in the past.

  • Imperfect: "Cuando era joven, veía muchas películas." (When I was young, I used to watch many movies.) – This sentence describes a habitual action over a period of time.

Mastering the use of these tenses will help you convey past events with precision and clarity.

Spanish Preterite vs Imperfect Quiz

Choose the correct option:

  • 1. ¿Cuál es la forma correcta para expresar una acción habitual en el pasado?
  • 2. What is the correct form to express an action completed in the past?
  • 3. ¿Cuál de las siguientes oraciones describe una acción en progreso en el pasado?
  • 4. Which sentence uses the preterite correctly?
  • 5. ¿Cuál es la forma correcta del verbo "ser" en el imperfecto?

Spanish Preterite Tense II


Spanish Imperfect Tense