Spanish Suffixes

Exploring Spanish Suffixes

Suffixes play a crucial role in Spanish, allowing speakers to modify the meaning of words and form new terms. They can indicate various aspects such as diminutives, augmentatives, and related meanings. Understanding these suffixes helps learners enhance their vocabulary and grasp the nuances of Spanish more effectively.


Diminutives are used to convey smallness, affection, or a reduced version of something. They often add a touch of endearment or familiarity. Here are a few common diminutive suffixes:

  1. -ito / -ita

    • Used to make nouns smaller or express affection.

    • Example: Gatito (kitten) from gato (cat), casita (small house) from casa (house).

    • English Equivalent: "Little" or "cute."

  2. -illo / -illa

    • Similar to -ito / -ita, but often used in some regions of Spain and Latin America.

    • Example: Chiquillo (little boy) from chico (boy), florilla (small flower) from flor (flower).

    • English Equivalent: "Little" or "small."


Augmentatives are used to express largeness, intensity, or sometimes even a negative connotation. They often imply that something is larger or more significant than usual.

  1. -ón / -ona

    • Used to indicate that something is large or impressive.

    • Example: Ratón (mouse) can become ratón grande (big mouse) or ratónón (big mouse), grandón (big or impressive).

    • English Equivalent: "Big" or "huge."

  2. -ote / -ota

    • Similar to -ón / -ona, used to denote something larger or more exaggerated.

    • Example: Librón (big book) from libro (book), cajón (large drawer) from caja (box).

    • English Equivalent: "Big" or "large."

Affixation for Related Meanings

Suffixes can also modify the meaning of words to create related terms or specific functions.

  1. -ción / -sión

    • Often used to form nouns that refer to actions or processes.

    • Example: Educación (education) from educar (to educate), expulsión (expulsion) from expulsar (to expel).

    • English Equivalent: "-tion" as in "education" or "expulsion."

  2. -ar / -er / -ir

    • These are verb suffixes that indicate the infinitive form of verbs.

    • Example: Hablar (to speak), comer (to eat), vivir (to live).

    • English Equivalent: Verbal endings like "-ing" or "-ed" in some forms, although not a direct one-to-one translation.

  3. -al / -ar

    • These suffixes are used to form adjectives that describe the nature or relation of something.

    • Example: Natural (natural) from natura (nature), personal (personal) from persona (person).

    • English Equivalent: "-al" as in "natural" or "personal."

Creating New Words

Suffixes allow speakers to create new words and convey a range of meanings. For instance:

  1. -ista

    • Used to denote a person who practices or is associated with something.

    • Example: Artista (artist) from arte (art), feminista (feminist) from feminismo (feminism).

    • English Equivalent: "-ist" as in "artist" or "feminist."

  2. -dad / -tad

    • These suffixes are used to form abstract nouns that denote qualities or states.

    • Example: Amistad (friendship) from amigo (friend), libertad (freedom) from libre (free).

    • English Equivalent: "-hood" or "-ness" as in "friendship" or "freedom."


Understanding Spanish suffixes enriches your ability to use the language creatively and accurately. By mastering these suffixes, learners can expand their vocabulary, understand nuances, and effectively communicate in various contexts. Whether forming diminutives, augmentatives, or related terms, suffixes are a fundamental part of Spanish that enhance both written and spoken expression.

Spanish Suffixes Quiz

Choose the correct option:

  • 1. ¿Qué sufijo se utiliza para indicar algo pequeño o expresar cariño?
  • 2. What suffix is often used to form nouns that refer to actions or processes?
  • 3. ¿Qué sufijo se usa para denotar algo más grande o más exagerado en español?
  • 4. Which suffix is used to denote a person who practices or is associated with something?
  • 5. ¿Qué sufijo se utiliza para formar sustantivos abstractos que denotan cualidades o estados?

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