Spanish Superlatives

Spanish Superlatives are used to describe the highest degree of a quality or characteristic among three or more items. They help in comparing objects, people, or situations in terms of their attributes.


  1. Regular Superlatives:

    • Más (more) + adjective + que

    • Menos (less) + adjective + que

    • Example:

      • El más alto (the tallest)

      • El menos caro (the least expensive)

  2. Absolute Superlatives:

    • -ísimo/a suffix is added to the adjective to convey an extreme degree.

    • Example:

      • Feliz (happy) → Felicísimo (extremely happy)

      • Rápido (fast) → Rapidísimo (extremely fast)


  1. Describing Quality:

    • Ella es la más inteligente de la clase (She is the smartest in the class)

    • Este restaurante es el menos caro (This restaurant is the least expensive)

  2. Expressing Extremes:

    • Ese coche es caradísimo (That car is extremely expensive)

    • La película fue aburridísima (The movie was extremely boring)

Comparison with English:

  • In English, superlatives are typically formed by adding -est to the adjective or using most before it.

    • TallTallest

    • InterestingMost interesting

Spanish superlatives use specific structures and suffixes to emphasize the highest or lowest degree of a quality, adding nuance and precision to descriptions.

Spanish Grammar Test

Choose the correct option:

  • 1. What is the superlative form of "bueno" in Spanish?
  • 2. How do you say "the most interesting" in Spanish?
  • 3. Translate the following sentence into Spanish: "She is the tallest in the class."
  • 4. Fill in the blank with the correct superlative: "Es el libro _____ (the least expensive) de la tienda."
  • 5. What is the superlative form of "malo" in Spanish?

Spanish Verb - Haber