How to Conjugate Correr in Spanish

Correr - to run

Present Tense

How to Conjugate Spanish verb Correr in the Present Tense

Conjugating the verb "correr" in the present tense allows you to express actions related to running or moving quickly in the current moment. As a regular -er verb, "correr" follows a predictable pattern in its conjugation.

In the present tense, "correr" is conjugated as follows: "yo corro" (I run), "tú corres" (you run), "él/ella/usted corre" (he/she/you formal runs), "nosotros/nosotras corremos" (we run), "vosotros/vosotras corréis" (you all run), and "ellos/ellas/ustedes corren" (they/you all formal run).

Using "correr" in the present tense allows you to describe current actions or routines. For example, you might say, "yo corro todos los días para mantenerme en forma" (I run every day to stay fit) or "ellos corren en el parque cada mañana" (they run in the park every morning). This verb is commonly used in everyday conversations to discuss physical activity, hobbies, and daily routines, making it a key component of effective communication in Spanish.

corro corremos
corres corréis
corre corren

Preterite Tense

How to Conjugate Spanish verb Correr in the Preterite Tense

Conjugating the verb "correr" in the preterite tense allows you to express actions related to running that occurred at a specific moment in the past. Understanding this conjugation is important for recounting experiences and events.

In the preterite tense, "correr" is conjugated as follows: "yo corrí" (I ran), "tú corriste" (you ran), "él/ella/usted corrió" (he/she/you formal ran), "nosotros/nosotras corrimos" (we ran), "vosotros/vosotras corristeis" (you all ran), and "ellos/ellas/ustedes corrieron" (they/you all formal ran).

Using "correr" in the preterite tense allows you to narrate specific past actions. For instance, you might say, "ayer yo corrí cinco kilómetros" (yesterday I ran five kilometers) or "ella corrió en una competencia el año pasado" (she ran in a competition last year). This tense is crucial for storytelling and sharing experiences, enabling you to describe completed actions related to running and physical activity in Spanish.

corrí corrimos
corriste corristeis
corrió corrieron

Spanish Grammar Test - Dropdown

Future Tense

How to Conjugate Spanish verb Correr in the Future Tense

Conjugating the verb "correr" in the future tense allows you to express actions related to running that will occur at a later time. This tense is useful for discussing plans, intentions, or predictions about future running activities.

In the future tense, "correr" is conjugated as follows: "yo correré" (I will run), "tú correrás" (you will run), "él/ella/usted correrá" (he/she/you formal will run), "nosotros/nosotras correremos" (we will run), "vosotros/vosotras correréis" (you all will run), and "ellos/ellas/ustedes correrán" (they/you all formal will run).

Using "correr" in the future tense helps you convey your intentions or expectations regarding running. For example, you might say, "mañana yo correré en la maratón" (tomorrow I will run in the marathon) or "ellos correrán más rápido después de entrenar" (they will run faster after training). This tense allows you to express optimism and plans related to physical activity, making it an important aspect of communication in Spanish.

correré correremos
correrás correréis
correrá correrán

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Imperfect Tense

How to Conjugate Spanish verb Correr in the Imperfect Tense

Conjugating the verb "correr" in the imperfect tense allows you to express ongoing or habitual actions related to running in the past. This tense is particularly useful for describing situations that were part of a routine or providing background information.

In the imperfect tense, "correr" is conjugated as follows: "yo corría" (I was running/I used to run), "tú corrías" (you were running/you used to run), "él/ella/usted corría" (he/she/you formal was running/used to run), "nosotros/nosotras corríamos" (we were running/we used to run), "vosotros/vosotras corríais" (you all were running/used to run), and "ellos/ellas/ustedes corrían" (they/you all formal were running/used to run).

Using "correr" in the imperfect tense is beneficial for discussing past habits or actions that were ongoing. For example, you might say, "cuando era niño, yo corría todos los días en el parque" (when I was a child, I used to run every day in the park) or "nosotros corríamos juntos cada fin de semana" (we used to run together every weekend). This tense allows you to provide context and background when recounting stories or experiences, making it an important part of conversation in Spanish.

corría corríamos
corrías corríais
corría corrían

Conditional Tense

How to Conjugate Spanish verb Correr in the Conditional Tense

Conjugating the verb "correr" in the conditional tense allows you to express hypothetical situations or actions related to running that would occur under certain conditions. This tense is particularly useful for discussing what you would do in specific scenarios or making polite suggestions.

In the conditional tense, "correr" is conjugated as follows: "yo correría" (I would run), "tú correrías" (you would run), "él/ella/usted correría" (he/she/you formal would run), "nosotros/nosotras correríamos" (we would run), "vosotros/vosotras correríais" (you all would run), and "ellos/ellas/ustedes correrían" (they/you all formal would run).

Using "correr" in the conditional tense helps convey actions based on hypothetical circumstances. For example, you might say, "yo correría más a menudo si tuviera tiempo" (I would run more often if I had time) or "ellos correrían en la maratón si se entrenaran" (they would run in the marathon if they trained). This tense is essential for discussing potential actions and outcomes, making it a valuable tool for nuanced communication in Spanish.

correría correríamos
correrías correríais
correría correrían

Spanish Contractions Test

Choose the correct option:

  • 1. ¿Cómo se dice "I run" en español?
  • 2. ¿Cuál es la forma correcta del verbo "correr" en la tercera persona del plural (ellos/ellas) en presente?
  • 3. ¿Cómo se dice "They ran" en español?
  • 4. ¿Cuál es la forma correcta del verbo "correr" en la segunda persona del singular (tú) en pretérito?
  • 5. ¿Cómo se dice "We run" en español?

FInal Thoughts

In conclusion, understanding the conjugation of the verb "correr" across various tenses—present, preterite, future, imperfect, and conditional—equips you with the ability to express different aspects of running in Spanish effectively. Each tense serves a distinct purpose: the present describes ongoing actions, the preterite recounts completed events in the past, the future indicates plans or predictions, the imperfect reflects habitual actions or background context, and the conditional expresses hypothetical situations. Mastery of these forms not only enhances your conversational skills but also enriches your ability to narrate stories, share experiences, and discuss future intentions related to running. By incorporating "correr" into your vocabulary, you can engage in a wide range of discussions about physical activity, personal experiences, and aspirations, making it a fundamental verb in everyday Spanish communication.

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