Spanish Work Vocabulary

Spanish work vocabulary encompasses a variety of terms that are essential for navigating conversations about careers, jobs, and the professional environment. Whether you’re looking to talk about your role, search for a job, or discuss workplace dynamics, understanding terms like empleo (employment) and oficina (office) can be invaluable. Work-related vocabulary in Spanish is diverse and includes terminology for different fields, positions, and common workplace actions, making it essential for anyone engaging in professional conversations in Spanish-speaking environments.

Job titles are a major part of work vocabulary, with common terms including jefe (boss), empleado (employee), and gerente (manager). Knowing these terms is helpful for discussing job hierarchy and the roles of people within a company. Titles vary widely depending on the profession and level, so you may encounter words like director (director) or supervisor (supervisor) in corporate settings, and trabajador (worker) in labor-oriented contexts. These words help provide clarity when discussing responsibilities and relationships within an organization.

Spanish English
Empleo Employment
Oficina Office
Jefe Boss
Empleado Employee
Gerente Manager
Currículum Résumé
Entrevista Interview
Oferta de trabajo Job offer
Requisitos Requirements
Salario Salary
Reunión Meeting
Presentación Presentation
Proyecto Project
Asistir To attend
Colaborar To collaborate
Organizar To organize
Vacaciones Vacation
Seguro médico Health insurance
Horas extras Overtime
Contrato Contract
Día de pago Payday
Horario Schedule
Licencia por enfermedad Sick leave
Evaluación Evaluation
Desempeño Performance

When searching for a job, vocabulary such as currículum (résumé), entrevista (interview), and oferta de trabajo (job offer) is essential. Understanding these terms can make the job search process much smoother, as they relate to critical steps in securing a position. Terms like requisitos (requirements) and salario (salary) are also important when evaluating a job offer, as they provide insight into what the position entails and what compensation is offered.

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Spanish English
Puesto Position
Ascenso Promotion
Capacitación Training
Contrato temporal Temporary contract
Jornada laboral Workday
Empleado a tiempo parcial Part-time employee
Empleado a tiempo completo Full-time employee
Despido Dismissal/Firing
Renuncia Resignation
Carta de recomendación Recommendation letter
Capacidad de liderazgo Leadership skills
Estabilidad laboral Job stability
Incentivo Incentive
Carga de trabajo Workload
Productividad Productivity

Workplace actions and processes are another vital part of Spanish work vocabulary. Words like reunión (meeting), presentación (presentation), and proyecto (project) are commonly used across professions, indicating different tasks and events in a typical workday. Additionally, terms like asistir (to attend), colaborar (to collaborate), and organizar (to organize) highlight actions that many employees participate in regularly. Familiarity with these words can help you effectively communicate about daily tasks and expectations.

Spanish Work Flashcards


Spanish work vocabulary also includes specific terminology for describing benefits and working conditions, such as vacaciones (vacation), seguro médico (health insurance), and horas extras (overtime). These terms are useful for discussing benefits packages or negotiating work conditions. In many Spanish-speaking countries, work culture highly values work-life balance and employee well-being, making knowledge of these terms especially beneficial when navigating discussions about work benefits and policies.

Spanish Work Quiz

Spanish Grammar Test
  • 1. What is the Spanish word for “boss”?
  • 2. What does “reunión” mean?
  • 3. What’s the correct spelling for “client”?
  • 4. What’s the word for “training”?
  • 5. What does “jubilación” mean?

Final Thoughts

Mastering Spanish work vocabulary provides more than just a way to discuss jobs; it offers insights into workplace norms, culture, and communication styles in Spanish-speaking countries. Understanding the right terms can enhance your ability to converse professionally, navigate job interviews, and engage with colleagues, ultimately leading to more meaningful and productive relationships in the workplace. Whether you’re an employee, a job seeker, or a business owner, knowing these terms can help you better integrate into Spanish-speaking work environments.

For more Spanish practice, check out our Short Stories in Spanish. Fun short stories with quizzes to improve your reading comprehension and boast vocabulary.


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