Spanish Family Vocabulary

  • padre - father

  • madre - mother

  • hermano - brother

  • hermana - sister

  • abuelo - grandfather

  • abuela - grandmother

  • tío - uncle

  • tía - aunt

  • primo - cousin (male)

  • prima - cousin (female)

  • sobrino - nephew

  • sobrina - niece

  • hijo - son

  • hija - daughter

  • esposo - husband

  • esposa - wife

  • yerno - son-in-law

  • nuera - daughter-in-law

  • cuñado - brother-in-law

  • cuñada - sister-in-law

Spanish Grammar Test

Quick Quiz

  • 1. What is the Spanish word for “cousin”?
  • 2. What does “hijo” mean?
  • 3. What’s the correct spelling for “daughter in law”?
  • 4. What’s the word for “husband”?
  • 5. What does “sobrina” mean?

Spanish Numbers Vocabulary


Spanish Food Vocabulary