Spanish Sports Vocabulary

  • deporte - sport

  • fútbol - soccer

  • baloncesto - basketball

  • tenis - tennis

  • béisbol - baseball

  • voleibol - volleyball

  • golf - golf

  • atletismo - athletics

  • nadador(a) - swimmer

  • árbitro - referee

  • entrenador(a) - coach

  • equipo - team

  • jugador(a) - player

  • victoria - victory

  • derrota - defeat

  • partido - match/game

  • estadio - stadium

  • campo - field

  • cancha - court

  • pista - track

Spanish Grammar Test

Quick Quiz

  • 1. What is the Spanish word for “court”?
  • 2. What does “jugador” mean?
  • 3. What’s the correct spelling for “baseball”?
  • 4. What’s the word for “swimmer”?
  • 5. What does “baloncesto” mean?

Spanish School Vocabulary


Spanish Work Vocabulary