Spanish Commands

Spanish Commands

Spanish commands are crucial for directing actions, and understanding how to form and use them correctly is essential for effective communication. Commands, or "imperativos," are used to give instructions, make requests, or offer invitations.

1. Affirmative Commands (Tú)


  • Verb (Tú Form)


  • Habla. (Speak.)

  • Come. (Eat.)

For informal settings, you use the form of the verb directly. This form is simple and direct, suitable for friends, family, or people of the same age or younger.

2. Negative Commands (Tú)


  • No + Verb (Tú Form in Present Subjunctive)


  • No hables. (Don’t speak.)

  • No comas. (Don’t eat.)

To form negative commands, use "no" followed by the verb in the present subjunctive form. This structure helps convey a prohibition or a request not to perform an action.

3. Formal Commands (Usted)


  • Verb (Usted Form in Present Subjunctive)


  • Hable. (Speak.)

  • Coma. (Eat.)

For formal situations, use the usted form of the verb in the present subjunctive. This approach is used in professional settings or when addressing someone with respect.

4. Plural Informal Commands (Vosotros)


  • Verb (Vosotros Form in Present Subjunctive)


  • Hablad. (Speak.)

  • Comed. (Eat.)

When addressing multiple people informally, use the vosotros form. This is commonly used in Spain and helps direct groups in a familiar or casual context.

Comparison with English

In English, commands are formed with the base form of the verb, such as “Speak” or “Eat.” The negative form uses “don’t” + verb, like “Don’t speak” or “Don’t eat.” Spanish commands require specific verb forms and structures to reflect the level of formality and whether the command is affirmative or negative, offering a more nuanced way to convey instructions.

Spanish Commands Quiz

Choose the correct option:

  • 1. ¿Cuál es la estructura correcta para un mandato afirmativo con "tú"?
  • 2. Which sentence correctly uses a formal command (Usted)?
  • 3. ¿Cómo se forma un mandato negativo con "tú"?
  • 4. Which sentence uses the plural informal command (Vosotros) correctly?
  • 5. ¿Cuál oración es un mandato negativo formal?

Spanish Verbs of Obligation


Spanish Negative Commands