Spanish Verbs of Obligation

Spanish Verbs of Obligation

Spanish verbs of obligation express necessity or requirement. They are used to indicate that something must be done, and they help convey the importance or urgency of an action. Understanding how to use these verbs properly will enhance your ability to communicate responsibilities and necessities in Spanish.

*1. Deber


  • Deber + Infinitive Verb


  • Debo estudiar. (I must study.)

  • Debes llegar a tiempo. (You must arrive on time.)

Usage: "Deber" is the most common verb of obligation and can be used in various forms to express necessity. It is versatile and can be used in both formal and informal contexts. The form of "deber" changes according to the subject, but it always implies a strong sense of obligation.

*2. Tener que


  • Tener que + Infinitive Verb


  • Tengo que trabajar. (I have to work.)

  • Tienes que ir al médico. (You have to go to the doctor.)

Usage: "Tener que" is another common way to express obligation. It is often used in everyday language and is slightly more emphatic than "deber." It indicates that an action is necessary or unavoidable, often due to external factors or rules.

*3. Haber que


  • Hay que + Infinitive Verb


  • Hay que estudiar para el examen. (One must study for the exam.)

  • Hay que respetar las normas. (It is necessary to respect the rules.)

Usage: "Haber que" is used to express a general obligation or necessity that applies to everyone. It is less personal and more impersonal compared to "deber" and "tener que," often referring to universal rules or general advice.

Comparison with English

In English, verbs of obligation like “must,” “have to,” and “should” convey similar meanings. For example, "deber" and "tener que" correspond to "must" and "have to" in English. Both languages use these constructions to communicate necessity, though Spanish often provides additional options to convey nuances in formality and personal responsibility.

Spanish Verbs of Obligation Quiz

Choose the correct option:

  • 1. ¿Cuál estructura usa "tener que"?
  • 2. Which sentence uses "deber" correctly?
  • 3. ¿Qué verbo de obligación se usa para una obligación general, no personal?
  • 4. Which of the following is an example of a universal obligation?
  • 5. ¿Cuál de las siguientes oraciones usa "deber" correctamente?

Spanish Personal “a”


Spanish Commands