Spanish Questions

Spanish Questions

In Spanish, forming questions involves specific structures and question words. Questions can be categorized into yes/no questions and information questions.

1. Yes/No Questions

These questions are designed to get a simple affirmative or negative response. They are often formed by changing the intonation or by placing the verb before the subject.

  • Structure: Start with the verb, followed by the subject and the rest of the sentence.

    • Example: ¿Tienes hambre? (Are you hungry?)

    • Example: ¿Vamos al cine? (Shall we go to the cinema?)

  • Inversion: In formal contexts, you might invert the subject and verb.

    • Example: ¿Estás cansado? (Are you tired?)

2. Information Questions

These questions seek specific information and start with question words.

  • Question Words:

    • ¿Qué? (What?)

      • Example: ¿Qué haces? (What are you doing?)

    • ¿Quién? (Who?)

      • Example: ¿Quién es tu profesor? (Who is your teacher?)

    • ¿Dónde? (Where?)

      • Example: ¿Dónde vives? (Where do you live?)

    • ¿Cuándo? (When?)

      • Example: ¿Cuándo es la fiesta? (When is the party?)

    • ¿Por qué? (Why?)

      • Example: ¿Por qué estudias español? (Why are you studying Spanish?)

    • ¿Cómo? (How?)

      • Example: ¿Cómo estás? (How are you?)

    • ¿Cuánto? (How much?) / ¿Cuántos? (How many?)

      • Example: ¿Cuánto cuesta? (How much does it cost?)

      • Example: ¿Cuántos libros tienes? (How many books do you have?)

3. Tips

  • Accents: Question words have an accent mark (e.g., qué, cómo) to differentiate them from their non-question forms.

  • Punctuation: Spanish uses both an opening and closing question mark (¿ and ?).

Understanding these structures enhances your ability to gather information and communicate effectively in Spanish.

Spanish Grammar Test

Choose the correct option:

  • 1. What does “cuándo” mean in Spanish?
  • 2. What’s the correct choice for “why”?
  • 3. What does the Spanish word “donde” mean?
  • 4. What’s the correct choice for “how much”?
  • 5. What does “cuál” mean in Spanish?

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