Spanish Past Participle

The Spanish Past Participle is crucial for forming perfect tenses and passive voice. It’s similar to the English past participle and is used with auxiliary verbs.


  • -ar verbs: Add -ado

    • Hablar (to speak) → Hablado (spoken)

  • -er verbs: Add -ido

    • Comer (to eat) → Comido (eaten)

  • -ir verbs: Add -ido

    • Vivir (to live) → Vivido (lived)


  1. Perfect Tenses:

    • To indicate completed actions.

    • He hablado (I have spoken)

    • Hemos comido (We have eaten)

  2. Passive Voice:

    • To describe actions done by someone or something.

    • La carta fue escrita (The letter was written)

    • El libro es leído (The book is read)

  3. As Adjectives:

    • To describe the state resulting from an action.

    • Una puerta cerrada (A closed door)

    • Un libro agotado (A sold-out book)

Irregular Past Participles:

Some verbs have irregular past participles:

  • Decir (to say) → Dicho (said)

  • Hacer (to do) → Hecho (done)

  • Escribir (to write) → Escrito (written)

  • Ver (to see) → Visto (seen)

The past participle is essential for expressing completed actions and states, making it a key component of Spanish grammar.

Spanish Grammar Test

Choose the correct option:

  • 1. La tarea está _______ (completar).
  • 2.Ellos han __________ (estudiar) toda la noche.
  • 3. Nosotros hemos __________ (terminar) el proyecto.
  • 4. El paquete fue _______ (enviar) por correo express.
  • 5. Ellos han _______ (decir) la verdad.

Spanish Tener Expressions


Spanish Questions