Spanish Tener Expressions

Spanish Tener Expressions are common idiomatic phrases that use the verb "tener" (to have) to convey various states, conditions, or emotions. Unlike English, where different verbs might be used, Spanish often relies on "tener" for these expressions.

Common Tener Expressions:

  1. Tener hambre (To be hungry)

    • Example: Tengo hambre. (I am hungry)

    • Indicates the need for food.

  2. Tener sed (To be thirsty)

    • Example: Ella tiene sed. (She is thirsty)

    • Means you need a drink.

  3. Tener sueño (To be sleepy)

    • Example: Estamos con sueño. (We are sleepy)

    • Expresses the need to sleep.

  4. Tener miedo (To be afraid)

    • Example: Tengo miedo de las arañas. (I am afraid of spiders)

    • Used to indicate fear.

  5. Tener prisa (To be in a hurry)

    • Example: Él tiene prisa para llegar al trabajo. (He is in a hurry to get to work)

    • Shows that someone needs to be quick.

  6. Tener razón (To be right)

    • Example: Tienes razón, es una buena idea. (You are right, it’s a good idea)

    • Indicates correctness or a valid point.

  7. Tener éxito (To be successful)

    • Example: Ellos tienen éxito en sus negocios. (They are successful in their businesses)

    • Refers to achieving success.

  8. Tener paciencia (To be patient)

    • Example: Necesitas tener paciencia con los niños. (You need to be patient with the children)

    • Suggests calmness in waiting.

Comparison with English:

  • Tener hambre means "to be hungry" in Spanish, whereas English does not use "to have hunger."

  • Tener miedo translates to "to be afraid", differing from English where "to fear" is more common.

Understanding these expressions will help you navigate everyday Spanish conversations more naturally.

Spanish Grammar Test

Choose the correct option:

  • 1. What does “tener sed” mean in Spanish?
  • 2. What’s the correct choice for “to be hungry”?
  • 3. What does the Spanish expression “tener suerte” mean?
  • 4. What’s the correct choice for “to be careful”?
  • 5. What does “tener sueño” mean in Spanish?

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