Spanish Stem-changers

Spanish Stem-Changing Verbs

Spanish stem-changing verbs, also known as "boot verbs" or "shoe verbs," undergo changes in their stem when conjugated in certain forms. This alteration occurs primarily in the present tense, and the patterns vary depending on the type of stem change.

Types of Stem Changes

  1. E → IE Change: Verbs with this pattern change the "e" in the stem to "ie."

    • Acertar (to guess): acierto, aciertas, acierta, acertamos, acertáis, aciertan

    • Apretar (to squeeze): aprieto, aprietas, aprieta, apretamos, apretáis, aprietan

    • Encender (to light): enciende, enciendes, enciende, encendemos, encendéis, encienden

  2. O → UE Change: Here, the "o" in the stem changes to "ue."

    • Dormir (to sleep): duermo, duermes, duerme, dormimos, dormís, duermen

    • Poder (to be able): puedo, puedes, puede, podemos, podéis, pueden

    • Volver (to return): vuelvo, vuelves, vuelve, volvemos, volvéis, vuelven

  3. E → I Change: The "e" in the stem changes to "i."

    • Pedir (to ask): pido, pides, pide, pedimos, pedís, piden

    • Servir (to serve): sirvo, sirves, sirve, servimos, servís, sirven

    • Repetir (to repeat): repito, repites, repite, repetimos, repetís, repiten

How to Use Stem-Changers

  1. Conjugation: Apply the stem change to all forms except the nosotros and vosotros forms, where the stem remains unchanged.

    • Example: For "dormir": yo duermo, tú duermes, él/ella duerme, nosotros dormimos, vosotros dormís, ellos/ellas duermen.

  2. Identifying Patterns: Learn the common patterns and practice with regular and irregular verbs to become familiar with their conjugations.

Understanding these patterns will help you master Spanish verb conjugations and improve your fluency in everyday conversations.

Spanish Grammar Test

Choose the correct option:

  • 1. Yo _______ (cerrar) la puerta.
  • 2. Tú ________ (querer) ir al cine esta noche.
  • 3. Nosotros ________ (pensar) que es una buena idea.
  • 4. Yo ______ (pedir) una pizza para la cena.
  • 5. Ella ________ (sentir) mucho frío en invierno.

Spanish Future Tense


Spanish Tener Expressions