Spanish Animals Vocabulary

  • perro - dog

  • gato - cat

  • pájaro - bird

  • pez - fish

  • caballo - horse

  • conejo - rabbit

  • vaca - cow

  • oveja - sheep

  • cerdo - pig

  • león - lion

Flashcards Web App - Sixth Block
  • tigre - tiger

  • elefante - elephant

  • jirafa - giraffe

  • mono - monkey

  • zorro - fox

  • serpiente - snake

  • pingüino - penguin

  • delfín - dolphin

  • tortuga - turtle

  • oso - bear

Spanish Grammar Test

Quick Quiz

  • 1. What is the Spanish word for “bird”?
  • 2. What does “pingüino” mean?
  • 3. What’s the correct spelling for “lion”?
  • 4. What’s the word for “fox”?
  • 5. What does “caballo” mean?

Spanish Politics Vocabulary


Spanish Medical Vocabulary