Spanish Medical Vocabulary

  • médico(a) - doctor

  • paciente - patient

  • enfermera - nurse

  • hospital - hospital

  • clínica - clinic

  • consulta - consultation

  • síntoma - symptom

  • enfermedad - illness/disease

  • tratamiento - treatment

  • receta - prescription

  • operación - surgery

  • examen médico -

    medical exam

  • radiografía - X-ray

  • análisis de sangre - blood test

  • vacuna - vaccine

  • medicamento - medicine

  • estómago - stomach

  • hígado - liver

  • rehabilitación - rehabilitation

  • corazón - heart

Spanish Grammar Test

Quick Quiz

  • 1. What is the Spanish word for “vaccine”?
  • 2. What does “enfermera” mean?
  • 3. What’s the correct spelling for “heart”?
  • 4. What’s the word for “stomach”?
  • 5. What does “receta” mean?

Spanish Animals Vocabulary


Spanish Nature Vocabulary