Spanish Nature Vocabulary

  • árbol - tree

  • planta - plant

  • flor - flower

  • río - river

  • montaña - mountain

  • lago - lake

  • mar - sea

  • océano - ocean

  • playa - beach

  • sol - sun

  • cielo - sky

  • aire - air

  • nube - cloud

  • viento - wind

  • lluvia - rain

  • sol - sun

  • luna - moon

  • estrellas - stars

  • tormenta - storm

  • arco iris - rainbow

Spanish Grammar Test

Quick Quiz

  • 1. What is the Spanish word for “tree”?
  • 2. What does “playa” mean?
  • 3. What’s the correct spelling for “storm”?
  • 4. What’s the word for “stars”?
  • 5. What does “nube” mean?

Spanish Medical Vocabulary


Spanish Numbers Vocabulary